Freedom of Design in the Jewelery Sector
Ermaksan Additive additive manufacturing solutions offers comprehensive solutions for the jewelry sector as well as in many other sectors. Handwork and wax technique, which is the traditional method, takes long manufacturing time as well as qualified workmanship. In this time where traditional methods have been replaced by technology, jewelry designers can produce more unique and personalized products. Products that cannot be produced with traditional hand work can be easily produced with additive manufacturing method, offering product designers unlimited freedom in design.
By using Ermaksan Additive's special solutions for the jewelry industry, you can optimize your traditional jewelry production processes with 3D production method. Thus, you can easily produce your most special and stylish designs in a precise and functional way. Be one step ahead of the competition by producing in the shortest time, with high quality and low cost, without the need for mold production.
Just imagine, ENAVISION will produce it!